
Restaurant finder

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Already 1540 Restaurants listed with 784 ratings!

About FavoriteRestaurant:

What is FavoriteRestaurant?

FavoriteRestaurant is a plaform providing services to find and rate for the best restaurants in your city.
Everybody has the possibility to add a new restaurant, to rate for restaurants and to share experience and stories.
Each restaurant can be rated from one user once in 24h.
The rating concept is based on different criteria and shows an objective rating for the most important characteristics of a restaurant.

Who is addressed by FavoriteRestaurant?

All gourmet searching for new interesting restaurants.
Everybody who want to share his or her favorite restaurant.
All newbie in a city looking for the best restaurants.

Especially for restaurant owner

Restaurant owner can register, assign their own restaurant and publish descriptions and photos of their restaurant for free.

Special characteristics of the rating system:

Everybody can use FavoriteRestaurant without any registration.
The usage is at no charge.
The focus is to show that what you are looking for in a clearly represented way.
FavoriteRestaurant will not send any spam.
Our motto is: "Less is more!" We focus on delivering structured information.

The rating system is based on its predefined criteria which can be rated separately. An overall rating is calculated from these single ratings.
Beside the overall rating this rating concept shows which criteria are completely or only less satisfied. That conducts to a detailed differentiation. (e.g.: a restaurant with a less beautiful ambience can have a excellent citchen.).

FavoriteRestaurant whishs a lot of fun adding and finding restaurants!